(614) 547-2474

About Us

ABOUT US ReGen Medical is on a mission-to change the way health care is delivered!  Instead of treating symptoms, ReGen Medical addresses root causes with the latest in science and evidence based  solutions. We couldn’t be more excited about bringing a Regenerative...

Regenerative Medicine

REGENERATIVE MEDICINE TREATMENTS Here at ReGen Medical, we specialize in non surgical treatments of many types of pains. We use cutting edge treatments to get you back to work and play or even to just get you out of pain. The many treatments options available to you...

Trigger Point Injections

TRIGGER POINT INJECTION THERAPY What is a Trigger Point? A trigger point is an irritable, painful, taut muscle band or palpable knot in a muscle that can cause localized pain or referred pain. Referred pain from trigger points can mimic pinched nerves in the neck or...

Joint and Bursa Injections

JOINT AND BURSA INJECTIONS A joint is where two bones are connected using a complex interplay between tendons, ligaments, and joint fluid. Many people suffer from joint pain for various reasons. Joint injections can be a very powerful tool to help reduce pain. Bursa...

Nerve Blocks

NERVE BLOCKS A nerve block is an injection targeted toward a certain nerve or group of nerves with the intent to treat pain. The purpose of the injection is to “turn off” a pain signal coming from a specific location in the body. The nerve block allows a damaged nerve...