The #1 Non-Surgical Solution For Bunions
The Truth About Bunions (Play)
Are You A Candidate For This Treatment?
You are not alone, there are hundreds of people just like you out there that suffer from pain caused by bunions.
Patients with bunions may notice restrictions in the distance they are able to walk. They may notice that standing on a bunion becomes tender and forces them to walk different or stand for shorter durations of time.
Bunions Lead To Several Problems
If left untreated, bunions force you to compromise the way you walk and stand, which ultimately leads to knee pain, hip pain, and back pain.
Common Treatment Plans Used to Include:
» Cortisone (Steroid) Injections
» Foot Inserts
» Bracing
» Surgical Procedures
What Causes a Bunion?
Ligaments along the exterior of the big toe become weak and damaged. These tendons start to fail over time. The big toe tends to turn in and arthritis forms along the exterior perimeter of the joint. Prolotherapy will stabilize the bunion and prevent it from getting worse and reduces the pain as well.
What if you don’t want surgery, but your next step is clearly pointing toward surgery? There are non-surgical options available to you, even if you are high-risk. Steroid or Cortisone Injections certainly are non-surgical approaches, however, these injections actually cause more damage. The injection will mask the pain, but speed up the degeneration in the joint.
Cortisone may crystalize in the joint and cause further damage to the cartilage. The Ideal Treatment Solution for the Common Bunion is Prolotherapy. This is a wonderful non-surgical option that influences the body’s natural healing response. Prolotherapy is a treatment option that attempts to heal and tighten up the ligaments around the bunion.
By tightening and strengthening the ligaments, we can stabilize and stop the progression of the tilting and shifting of the toe over the joint. The treatment takes roughly 15 minutes and is repeatable for a few sessions until the natural healing cascade begins. There is typically no down-time and you can return to work and normal activities the same day.
What if you are just starting to see the formation of a Bunion on your foot?
A Surgeon may have even told you that it is not bad enough to operate, that it is purely cosmetic. This is great news and you are a perfect candidate for the Prolotherapy Solution. By catching the bunion early, your odds of recover go up significantly if you start treatment early before the bunion has time to form arthritis and degeneration.
Dr. Ripal Parikh
Physician / Founder
Qualifications For Bunion Treatments
Are you a good candidate for this non-surgical treatment option for your bunion?
Call 614-547-2474 to make an appointment with Dr. Ripal Parikh, D.O. or fill out the form and submit your request for an appointment.
Are You A Candidate For This Treatment?

ReGen Medical
Ripal Parikh, D.O.
Phone: (614) 547-2474
74 S. Liberty Street, Ste. B
Powell, OH 43065
Open By Appointment Only
ReGen Medical Ohio is located in Central Ohio and provides clinical services to the surrounding cities: Powell, Dublin, Westerville, Delaware,
Galena, Worthington, Hilliard, Gahanna, and of course Columbus, Ohio. Website Disclaimer: The content of this website is not intended to
be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician
or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment.